How to Get Rid of a Double Chin

February 1, 2022
3 min. read

If you do a search online for “How to get rid of a double chin,” you’ll find article after article that suggest quick fixes and exercises that promise to help you get rid of that frustrating fat under your chin. You may even see some websites that make recommendations for how to pose in order to reduce the appearance of your double chin (and if you love taking selfies that may be a great place to start). If you are following a healthy diet regimen and exercise program you may see a decrease in submental fat (the fat underneath your chin), along with an overall decrease in fat throughout the body. However, the reality is that it’s unlikely that any form of exercise or diet can make a significant difference in the shape of your neck, as there is no such thing as “spot reduction” when it comes to weight loss.

What causes a double chin?

Believe it or not, there are actually a lot of different things that can cause a double chin, and it’s not necessarily just being overweight. Genetics can actually play a big role, so if your parents have a double chin there’s a greater likelihood that you will have one as well. Rapid weight gain and weight loss can also cause a double chin. Fortunately, there are a lot of options for people with double chins, several of which don’t involve surgery.

Nonsurgical Options

For people who don’t want or need surgery, there are several great nonsurgical options.


Kybella® is an FDA-approved cosmetic injectable that destroys fat cells. They are then flushed out of your body naturally in the 2-3 weeks following treatment. The best candidates for Kybella® treatments are those with good quality skin (i.e. still has skin elasticity) and a distinct appearance of fat under the chin. Just like many cosmetic treatments, there is no such thing as a one size fits all. This means that the price will vary depending on the number of injections necessary to receive the optimum results. Here at AOB we price per syringe and most clients will require one treatment of two syringes. Clients who use Kybella® are having great success and satisfaction with treatments. The woman pictured below received three treatments and saw a significant reduction in submental fat under the chin. Visit MyKybella®.com for morebefore and after pictures.


Kybella® isn’t the only option for people who want to get rid of submental fat. CoolSculpting® is now also an option! The CoolSculpting® treatment has been used for years as a way treat stubborn fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. Up until recently, it was used to treat areas like the love handles, banana roll, distal thigh, abdominal fat and fat in the upper arms. However, in the fall of 2015, the FDA-cleared the CoolMini, the CoolSculpting® applicator specifically designed to treat submental fat. This treatment works in the exact same way as the other CoolSculpting® treatments, using controlled cooling to freeze fat cells below the surface of the skin (while the surface skin is left unharmed). Like Kybella®, the results don’t appear overnight. However, over the course of 3-4 weeks the body naturally flushes the fat cells out of the body. And also like Kybella®, once those fat cells are gone, they’re gone for good! Take a look at the great results this patient had achieved by 12 weeks after her second CoolSculpting® treatment.

Who are the best candidates for these treatments?

Kybella® is a great treatment for just about anyone. If you have submental fullness that you want to get rid of then you are most likely a great candidate for the treatment. CoolSculpting® for submental fullness is a great option for those who have a chin shape that allows the area to be fully treated by the applicator. On most occasions, we recommend CoolSculpting® to clients who need to de-volumize the area while Kybella® is ideal for getting rid of stubborn pockets of fat. Both treatments are great for candidates who need a spot reducing treatment. While it’s true that neither of these treatments are effective when the patient has loose skin, we often encounter clients who THINK that the skin under their chin is loose, when in reality the fat pockets under the chin are just weighing the skin down and making it appear laxer than it actually is. Before ruling out one of these noninvasive options for getting rid of submental fullness, we would recommend speaking to a provider who can help you explore all of your options.

Risks and Recovery

The great thing about the noninvasive treatments is that the risks are extremely low and the recovery period is fast. Many patients experience some swelling or bruising, which is why it’s advisable to allow yourself one or two days to recover.

Are you tired of your double chin?

If you are looking for noninvasive treatments for your double chin, AOB Med Spa offers both Kybella® and CoolSculpting® for submental fat. We would be happy to schedule a free consultation at our Cherry Creek or Lone Tree locations. Contact us today to schedule your consultation at 303-305-4343 or

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